The user interface also includes Microsoft Office style ribbon controls. And the tabbed window interface efficiently organizes your worksheets and graphs for easy selection. And these tabs may be organized into either vertical or horizontal tab groups. Graph Gallery and Notebook Manger panes may be moved to any position and easily placed using docking panel guides. You can add frequently used objects to the Quick Access Toolbar. For example you might want to add Notebook Save, Close All, Refresh Graph Page and Modify Plot.
Save all of the attributes of your favorite graph style in the Graph Style Gallery. Add greater speed and efficiency to your analysis by quickly recalling an existing graph type you need and applying its style to your current dataset.
Quickly save any graph with all graph properties as a style and add a bitmap image to the gallery
No need to be an expert, create customized graphs in no time with the Graph Gallery
Choose an image from the Graph Style Gallery to quickly plot your data using an existing graph template
Save time by using a predetermined style to create a graph of the data
Avoid re-creating complex graphs