Simulink 用于 HDL 代码生成和验证
*编写 HDL 代码即可探索、实现和验证 FPGA、SoC 或 ASIC 设计。
进行**层设计和探索,之后直接通过 MATLAB® 或 Simulink® 生成并验证 HDL,以用于 FPGA、ASIC 或片上系统 (SoC) 原型或生产项目。
为任意FPGA、ASIC 或 SoC 硬件生成优化且可读的 VHDL® 或 Verilog®
直接从 Simulink 和 MATLAB 部署至原型硬件并进行调试
算法模型和测试用例 可复用

With MathWorks data acquisition products, you can access data from hardware such as data acquisition boards, test and measurement instruments, CAN bus interface devices, and imaging devices. You also have direct access to data from ODBC-compliant or JDBC-compliant databases, OPC servers, and several financial data servers.
MathWorks data acquisition products provide direct access to data to enable live visualization and analysis and streamline automation of repetitive tasks that require data from external sources.

MathWorks application deployment products increase the benefit of MATLAB® to your organization by allowing you to share the work you do in MATLAB with people who do not have access to MATLAB. You can share with internal colleagues and decision makers, or external collaborators and clients.
Your MATLAB based programs can be deployed as standalone applications, add-ins for Microsoft® Excel®, and software components that can be integrated into web and enterprise applications. You can deploy any MATLAB program covering a range of industries and applications such as data science, semiconductor/electronics, manufacturing systems, image processing, aerospace/defense, and financial services.
All applications and components are encrypted to protect your intellectual property and can be shared royalty free.
When compared with manually recoding algorithms, deploying your MATLAB applications and components provides advantages, such as:
Domain experts can maintain ownership of ideas, algorithms, and applications.
Software developers have the flexibility to integrate a common algorithm with different programming languages and platforms.
Organizations gain efficiency by avoiding time consuming and error prone recoding, as well as easily adopting algorithm improvements throughout the application’s lifecycle.

MATLAB® 代码可直接用于生产并安全地部署,与企业 IT 系统、数据源和运营技术集成。IT 部门可以跟工程团队合作:
在 Windows® 和 Linux® 上运行可靠、安全、可扩展的生产应用程序,可在本地或在 AWS® 和 Microsoft® Azure® 等公共云上部署。
直接集成到现有系统和数据,包括 Tableau®、TIBCO® Spotfire® 和 Power BI 等现代分析系统。
利用预置的行业特定 MATLAB 和 Simulink 工具箱,让用户能够快速开始工作。