GAMS Summation (and Product) Notation
Before going into equation definition we describe the summation notation in GAMS. Remember that GAMS is designed for
standard keyboards and line-by-line input readers, so it is not possible (nor would it be convenient for the user) to employ the
standard mathematical notation for summations.
The summation notation in GAMS can be used for simple and complex expressions. The format is based on the idea of always
thinking of a summation as an operator with two arguments: Sum(index of summation, summand) A comma separates
the two arguments, and if the first argument requires a comma then it should be in parentheses. The second argument can be
any mathematical expression including another summation.
As a simple example, the transportation problem contains the expression

The decision variables (or endogenous variables ) of a GAMS-expressed model must be declared with a Variables statement.
Each variable is given a name, a domain if appropriate, and (optionally) text. The transportation model contains the following
example of a Variables statement.
x(i,j) shipment quantities in cases
z total transportation costs in thousands of dollars ;
This statement results in the declaration of a shipment variable for each (i,j) pair. (You will see in Chapter Equations, how
GAMS can handle the typical real-world situation in which only a subset of the (i,j) pairs is allowable for shipment.)
The z variable is declared without a domain because it is a scalar quantity. Every GAMS optimization model must contain
one such variable to serve as the quantity to be minimized or maximized.
Once declared, every variable must be assigned a type. The permissible types are given in table Table 3.
Table 3 : Permissible variable types

面向对象的GAMA API允许GAMS无缝整合到为交互提供适当类别的应用中。这三个面向对象GAMS API是.NET, Java和Python与.NET framework 4 (Visual Studio 2010)、Java SE 5或更高版本以及Python 3.4, 2.7和2.6。
除了面向对象的GAMA API,还有级别(或级别) 的GAMS API,它们的使用要求有高深知识的GAMS组件库。
除了API, GAMS还提供智能链接到应用程序,如MS Excel, MatLab或R。用户可以在这个环境中继续工作,通过一个API就可以访问GAMS所有的优化功能。这就允许应用中的模型数据和结果可以可视化和分析了。

Note that this simple example reveals some modeling practices that we regard as good habits in general and that are consistent
with the design of GAMS. First, all the entities of the model are identified (and grouped) by type. Second, the ordering
of entities is chosen so that no symbol is referred to before it is defined. Third, the units of all entities are specified, and,
fourth, the units are chosen to a scale such that the numerical values to be encountered by the optimizer have relatively small
absolute orders of magnitude. (The symbol $K here means thousands of dollars.)
The names of the types of entities may differ among modelers. For example, economists use the terms exogenous variable
and endogenous variable for given data and decision variable, respectively. In GAMS, the terminology adopted is as follows:
indices are called sets, given data are called parameters, decision variables are called variables, and constraints and the
objective function are called equations.
The GAMS representation of the transportation problem closely resembles the algebraic representation above. The most
important difference, however, is that the GAMS version can be read and processed by the computer.
Table 1: Data for the transportation problem (adapted from Dantzig, 1963) illustrates Shipping Distances from Plants to
Markets (1000 miles) as well as Market Demands and Plant Supplies.