The model
We consider a model that suggests that a student’s Socio-Economic Status and Attitudes about
Home and School are antecedents of his/her Self-Esteem around Peers and that a student’s SocioEconomic Status, Attitudes about Home and School and Self-Esteem around Peers are
antecedents of his/her Work Ethics. A path diagram of the corresponding structural equation
model is shown in Figure 1.

The measurement model
We consider six psychological tests for Junior High students. These six psychological tests are theoretically
constructed to measure the visual perception and verbal ability of Junior High students. A path diagram for
the corresponding measurement model for visual perception and verbal ability is shown in Figure 1.

SURVEYGLIM is a -bit application that fits Generalized LInear Models (GLIMs) to data from simple random and complex survey designs. Models for the Multinomial, Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Gamma, and Inverse Gaussian sampling distributions are available.

Click on the OK button to return to the PTH window for depress.PTH.
• Click, drag and drop the labels of the observed variables one at a time into the PTH window.
• Click, drag and drop the labels of the latent variables one at a time into the PTH window.
• Select the arrow icon on the Drawing toolbar.
• Click and drag paths from selfest to SELF1, SELF2, SELF3, SELF4 and SELF5 respectively.
• Click and drag paths from depress to DEPRES1, DEPRES2, DEPRES3 and DEPRES4 respectively.
• Click and drag paths from impuls to IMPULS1, IMPULS2 and IMPULS3 respectively to produce the following
PTH window.