Species Identification Assays/Cross Species Assays/Allele Identification Assays
AlleleID® aligns sequences using ClustalW and analyzes conserved and species specific regions. You can then use the program for real time PCR primer design (SYBR® Green primer design included) and dual labeled probe design (TaqMan® probes, TaqMan® MGB probes and molecular beacons). These assays are designed to detect only the strain (strain detection) or species of interest from the mix.
Sophisticated Algorithms for Assay Success
Highly specific oligos are designed by avoiding regions of significant homologies found by automatically interpreting BLAST search results. Real time PCR primer & probe efficiency is enhanced by avoiding template secondary structures. "Minimal Set", one of the most innovative features in the program, helps design the fewest number of allele specific oligonucleotide primers and dual labeled probes that uniquely identify each of the desired species/strain/taxa from the mix, lowering assay costs. For taxa or cross species assays, this feature is especially useful when the group or taxa is highly dissimilar. For a partial set of pre-designed, proven set of primers, AlleleID® can design compatible primers and probes for the rest of sequences for species identification or taxa specific assays.
AlleleID是设计MLPA合成探针或者由MRC Holland引入的多重连接依赖探针扩增技术的程序,当合适的工具包不可用时,研究人员能够扩展这项技术。这是一种快速增长的高通量基因图谱分析方法。可以检测外显子缺失、拷贝数变化和CpG甲基化模式。具有成本效益合适、敏感性高、特好和可再生性好等特点。
Choices for Primer Design: There are two choices available for primer design, Unique and Optimal. When you choose Unique, the program designs a primer pair to amplify each sequence. For Optimal, the program minimizes the number of primers required to amplify all sequences. The goal is to minimize the synthesis and overall assay costs.