For example, with the click of a button you can convert 90 files, 45 pairs of forward and reverse sequences, into 45 contigs named according to your Patient IDs. A change in your sequence assembly parameters regroups your fragments, so you can assemble the contigs according to Clone ID, Date, Primer, or any other characteristic you record in your sequence names.
Finally, export the results in a variety of different formats such as MSF, Phylip, NEXUS and FastA for use in other programs or simply create a consensus and export it.
MUSCLE is said to have four major steps in its alignment process. The first step constructs a distance matrix between pairs of sequences using k-mer clustering, this is then converted into a tree. The second step uses this tree to guide a progressive alignment. In the final two steps, the MUSCLE algorithm tries a number of different methods to see if it is possible to improve the tree and hence the multiple alignment.
In the NGS space, trust the accuracy of your work to peer-reviewed and published algorithms and tools such as GSNAP for reference-guided alignment, Velvet for de novo assembly, Cufflinks for RNA-Seq Differential Expression and Tablet for visualization. The design and effort that goes into Sequencher makes them easy to use because once you have learned how to use one, you have learned how to use them all.