This example is the third in a set of seven examples based on these data described on the HLM
Support page and used the MDM file created in the first example.
Level-1 file. For our HS&B example data, the level-1 file (HSB1.SAV) has 7,185 cases and four
variables (not including the SCHOOL ID). The variables are:
• MINORITY, an indicator for student ethnicity (1 = minority, 0 = other)
• FEMALE, an indicator for student gender (1 = female, 0 = male)
• SES, a standardized scale constructed from variables measuring parental education,
occupation, and income
• MATHACH, a measure of mathematics achievement
Click Browse in the Level-2 specification section to open an Open Data File
dialog box.
Open a level-2 SPSS system file in the HLM folder (HSB2.SAV in our example). The
Choose Variables button below Browse will be activated.
Summary of the model specified
Level-1 Model
MATHACHij = β0j + β1j*(SESij) + rij
Level-2 Model
β0j = γ00 + γ01*(SECTORj) + γ02*(MEANSESj) + u0j
β1j = γ10 + γ11*(SECTORj) + γ12*(MEANSESj) + u1j
SES has been centered around the group mean.
MEANSES has been centered around the grand mean.
Mixed Model
MATHACHij = γ00 + γ01*SECTORj + γ02*MEANSESj
+ γ10*SESij + γ11*SECTORj*SESij + γ12*MEANSESj*SESij
+ u0j + u1j*SES+ rij
For the HS&B example, the level-1 units are students and the level-2 units are schools. The
two files are linked by a common level-2 unit ID, school id in our example, which must appear
on every level-1 record. In constructing the MDM file, the HLM program will compute summary
statistics based on the level-1 unit data and store these statistics together with level-2 data.