MUSCLE[2], a multiple-sequence alignment (MSA) program, joins the Sequencher 5.1 family of plugins. It joins Clustal, making it the second MSA program in Sequencher’s DNA-Seq Tools. Boasting both speed and accuracy, it compares very favorably [3] to other multiple-sequence alignment programs.
Sequencher always maintains two copies of your data, the edited and the originally imported data. You can undo all or a portion of your edits when you apply the Revert to Experimental Data command to a selection of sequences in your project or to a selection of bases in a sequence.
Sequencher's intuitive controls allow you to set your sequence assembly parameters and adjust them within seconds, allowing you to assemble your DNA fragments quickly and accurately. Sequencher will automatically compare the forward and the reverse-complement orientations to assemble the best possible contigs, so you can assemble DNA sequences regardless of orientation.
Gene Codes has long been an innovator, investing in the R&D to develop powerful features for your DNA sequence analysis. Gene Codes developed the Assemble to Reference Sequence strategy that is widely used to speed up assembly and assign base-numbering systems and features to new data. The variance table was developed in the mid 1990's and became a key element first for forensic sequencing of mtDNA, and then for virtually all of our collaborators.