2021年2月PSCAD V5正式发布,这是自X4版本之后大的一次版本更新,本次更新了大量的功能,修复了大量的bugs。同时还发布了PRSIM电力数据格式转换软件,PowerFactory或PSSE格式的数据,通过PRSIM轻松转换成适用于PSCAD软件的格式。
pscad(PSCAD/EMTDC)(全称Power Systems Computer Aided Design)是世界上广泛使用的电磁暂态仿真软件,EMTDC是其仿真计算核心,PSCAD为EMTDC(Electromagnetic Transients including DC)提供图形操作界面。早版本的EMTDC由加拿大Dennis Woodford博士于1976年在曼尼托巴水电局开发完成。
EMTDC vs. Other EMTP-Type Programs
The electric network solution in EMTDC and some other EMTP-type programs, are based on the principles outlined in the classic 1969 paper by Hermann Dommel [1]. However, EMTDC has been independently developed from these other programs.
Virtually all power system models and techniques used in other EMTP-type programs are available in EMTDC. Some of the major differences between EMTDC and the other programs are listed as follows:
System Dynamics
The system dynamics is an essential part of the EMTDC solution process. It serves to encompass the electric network, providing the ability to interface with it on either side: Data may be controlled from one side, while extracted from the other.
Essentially a Fortran program in its own right, the system dynamics is built according to customizable specifications. These specifications are normally provided through PSCAD, in the form of components and modules. Components and modules are graphical representations of how the final program is to be structured, where each module, including the main page, is represented by a unique Fortran file. This file consists of declarations for a DSDYN subroutine, a DSOUT subroutine, and two BEGIN subroutines. Components always exist within modules, so as such they represent inline code that combines to define the contents of each subroutine.
Of course, some components are electrical in nature and hence provide information for the construction of the electric network as well. This information is collected and inserted into a Data file, where each module in a project possesses its own unique Data file. Data files are discussed in more detail later on in the section entitled Electric Network Solution.
EMT仿真不再关注小电网的分析,并行处理的出现使我们能够扩展到更大的电网分析。PSCAD v5包含很多新的功能,并通过嵌入式Python脚本语言接口实现完全自动化。通过对我们现有的大多数功能进行重构以提率,PSCAD v5将提升用户的整体体验。