From the final estimate of the level-1 variance and its standard error it can be seen that the variation
over students within schools is quite small. The coefficient of 2.37996 (with corresponding chisquare value of 605) indicates significant variability among schools in terms of their average math
achievement. The largest variance component is at level-1 of the model (36.70313), indicating that
quite a lot of the variation in the outcome remains unexplained by this model.
After saving the command file, clicking the Run Analysis option at the top of the main window
initiates the analysis. A screen showing details of the iterative procedure is shown. Note that the
information on the screen is also given as part of the WHLM output file
The Output Settings – HLM2 dialog box (obtained by selecting the Output Settings option) in
the Other Settings menu of WHLM may be used to change the number of units printed. When
first analyzing a new data set, examining the OL equations for all the units may be helpful in
identifying possible outlying cases and bad data.
The average OLS level-1 coefficient for INTRCPT1 = 12.62075
The average OLS level-1 coefficient for SES = 2.20164
This is a simple average of the OLS coefficients across all units that had sufficient data to permit a
separate OLS estimation.
Next, browse for the MDM file HSB.MDM. Click OK to return to the main window, where the
names of the variables contained in the MDM file are now displayed at the left of the window.
Select the variable MATHACH as outcome variable, as shown below.