f you copy the sequence to the clipboard (Edit|Copy to clipboard or Ctrl+C), you will only copy any peptide(s) selected. If no part of the sequence is selected, the whole sequence will be copied to the clipboard in the format in which it is displayed (i.e. 1- or 3-letter code).
Note, when copying this way, only the sequence and not the name will be copied. Pressing Ctrl+F you will copy the sequence in FastA format (i.e. 1-letter code including the name of the sequence). If you want to copy the complete protein information or if you want to format the sequence (e.g. for a report), you should use the File|Export sequence menu option.
The sequence will always be displayed with the number of the first residue to the left of each line. The number of residues on a line will be the maximum number possible inside the given window, except when the ‘Multipla 5’ is turned off Setup. With the ‘Multipla 5’ turned on the number of residues on each line will be a multiple of 5 (i.e. 20, 25, 30…).
As can be seen in the sequence part of the figure, modified residues are colored (red). More
In the directory \gpmaw\bin\ (usually located either in the c:\ root or in c:\program files\) you create a new directory called ClustalW. Into this directory you copy all of the decompressed files from clustalw1.83.DOS.zip. The files having the extension .h and .c are source code files and can be deleted.