The user interface also includes Microsoft Office style ribbon controls. And the tabbed window interface efficiently organizes your worksheets and graphs for easy selection. And these tabs may be organized into either vertical or horizontal tab groups. Graph Gallery and Notebook Manger panes may be moved to any position and easily placed using docking panel guides. You can add frequently used objects to the Quick Access Toolbar. For example you might want to add Notebook Save, Close All, Refresh Graph Page and Modify Plot.
With the new Graph Properties user interface you can select the property category in the tree on the left and then change properties on the right. The change is immediately graphed and if you move your cursor off the panel then it becomes transparent and you can see the effect of your changes without leaving the panel.
The “select left and change right” procedure makes editing your graphs quick and easy. SigmaPlot takes you beyond simple spreadsheets to help you show off your work clearly and precisely. With SigmaPlot, you can produce high-quality graphs without spending hours in front of a computer. SigmaPlot offers seamless Microsoft Office® integration, so you can easily access data from Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets and present your results in Microsoft PowerPoint® presentations.
Excel, ASCII Plain Text, Comma Delimited, MS Access
√ 通用ASCII导入过滤器
√ SigmaPlot DOS 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 data worksheets, SigmaPlot 1.0, 2.0 Worksheet, and 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0 Windows, SigmaPlot 4.1 and 5.0 Macintosh data worksheets
√ 逗号分隔和通用ASCII导入过滤器
√ Symphony, Quattro Pro, dBASE E, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3, Paradox
√ SigmaStat DOS and 1.0 worksheets, SYSTAT, SPSS, SAS data set V6. V8, V9, SAS export file, Minitab V8 to V12
√ SigmaScan, SigmaScan Pro, SigmaScan Image, Mocha
√ TableCurve 2D and 3D
√ Axon Binary, Axon Text
√ Import ODBC compliant databases
√ Run SQL queries on tables and selectively import information
√ Import Excel 2007 files directly into SigmaPlot
√ Excel, ASCII Plain Text, Tab delimited, Comma delimited SigmaPlot 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 for Windows, √ SigmaPlot 5.0 for Macintosh data worksheets
√ SigmaPlot 7.101, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0
√ SigmaScan, SigmaScan Pro, SigmaScan Image, Mocha
√ SigmaStat 2.0, SYSTAT, SAS V6 data set, Minitab V11
√ Vector PDF and HTML export of graphs and reports
√ Symphony, Quattro Pro, dBASE III, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3, Paradox
√ Graph formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, HTML, TIFF CMYK, TIFF RGB, Bitmap, Metafile (wmf), Enhanced √ Metafile (emf), PDF, PSD, EPS, PDF vector, SVG, SWF
√ 将Excel工作表数据导入到SigmaPlot工作表中,或打开一个Excel工作表作为SigmaPlot的工作表。
√ 工作表单元格编辑的迷你工具栏
√ 缩放可用的工作表
√ 用鼠标滚轮滚动工作表
√ 行宽位于图表定制的工作表中
√ 工作表单元格中的格式化文本(下标等)
创建精美的幻灯片,在报表中显示图表,或者在绘图中进一步自定义图形。SigmaPlot广泛的图形输出选项可以让您保存图形并发表在、杂志或中。展示和发布您的结果就是这么的*---并且看起来很不错。用SigmaPlot的Report Editor创建自定义报表或任何OLE container中嵌入图形---文字处理器、Microsoft PowerPoint或图形程序。只需双击图形就可以直接在文档中进行编辑。快速发布您的高分辨率图形在线与他人分享。
SigmaPlot Notebook功能
√ 可以保存SigmaPlot工作表、Excel工作表、报告、文档、回归向导方程、图形页和宏。
√ 新的基于对话框的笔记本功能有几种状态:搁置、可调、隐藏功能、总结信息模式等。
√ 类似浏览器的笔记本功能支持拖放下拉功能。
√ 对笔记本总结信息直接编辑。
Customize every detail of your charts and graphs
SigmaPlot offers the flexibility to customize every detail of your graph. You can add axis breaks, standard or asymmetric error bars and symbols; change colors, fonts, line thickness and more. Double-click on any graph element to launch the Graph Properties dialog box. Modify your graph, chart or diagram further by pasting an equation, symbol, map, picture, illustration or other image into your presentation. And select anti-aliasing to display jaggy-free smooth lines that can be used in your PowerPoint® presentations.[/toggle] [toggle border=’2′ title=’Quickly Plot your Data using Graph Templates’]