RFFlow Toolbar and Prompt Line
RFFlow is a graphics program that lets you easily draw
flowcharts, organization charts, and many other kinds of
diagrams. Quickly create professional-looking charts for
documents, presentations, or the Web. See samples charts
and get more information
Each flowchart must have one starting point. It can have multiple ending points, but only one starting point. The same terminal shape is used for the start and end. The terminal shape is a rectangle that is semicircular on the left and right as shown above. You can use other words instead of start and end, like begin and finish, or any words with a similar meaning. Some companies use an oval instead of a terminal shape. The bottom line is that it should be clear to the person looking at the chart where the chart starts and where it ends.
You can also use the off page connector shape shown below. The circle and the off page connector are equivalent. Inside the circle you can use either letters or numbers. For off page references you should use the page number.