Legendre和Legendre (1998)提出了Gower相似系数(S19)的修改版本,称之为" asymmetrical",因为匹配零点的处理不同于非零值。它与Gower系数相同,但不包括定量变量(0,0)对,因此,部分相似度的总和不是由p变量划分的,而是由p非(0,0)对的数目来划分的。
请注意,这种“不对称”的感觉不同于矩阵对称性。如果Legendre的非对称版本Gower的相似性被转换为距离(或相),并用于建立距离矩阵,这仍然是对称矩阵。换句话说,项目A和B之间的距离与B和A之间的距离相同,即使使用Gower的相似性的不对称版本。为了避免这种混乱,PC-ORD使用菜单系统中的术语"Gower, Ignore 0,0",并输出文件。
We also offer courses on how to use R efficiently, but there are always students without experience or who have not attended such a course, or regardless, still have problems with R and so in a classroom setting, they hold back progress. Hence, in practical, hands-on courses that are also quite limited in time, students using PC-ORD can focus much more on the statistical and ecological background rather than by spending too much time with programming.
Two-way Cluster Analysis
The purpose of our two-way clustering (also known as biclustering) is to graphically expose the relationship between cluster analyses and your individual data points. The resulting graph makes it easy to see similarities and differences between rows in the same group, rows in different groups, columns in the same group, and columns in different groups. You can see graphically how groups of rows and columns relate to each other. Two-way clustering refers to doing a cluster analysis on both the rows and columns of your matrix, followed by graphing the two dendrograms simultaneously, adjacent to a representation of your main matrix. Rows and columns of your main matrix are re-ordered to
Redundancy Analysis (RDA)
Redundancy Analysis models a set of response variables as a function of a set of predictor variables, based on a linear model. RDA thus applies to the same conceptual problem as canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). RDA is, however, based on a linear model among response variables and between response variables and predictors. CCA, on the other hand, implies a unimodal response to the predictors.