In Stata 16, you can embed and execute Python code from within Stata. Stata's new python command allows you to easily call Python from Stata and output Python results within Stata.
You can invoke Python interactively or in do-files and ado-files so that you can leverage Python's extensive language features. You can also execute a Python file (.py) directly through Stata.
In addition, we introduced the Stata Function Interface (sfi) Python module, which provides a bi-directional connection between Stata and Python. This module lets you access Stata's current dataset, frames, macros, scalars, matrices, value labels, characteristics, global Mata matrices, and more.
All of this means that you can now use any Python package directly within Stata. For instance, you can use Matplotlib to draw 3-dimensional graphs. You can use NumPy for numerical computations. You can use Scrapy to scrape data from the web. You can access additional machine-learning techniques such as neural networks and support vector machines through TensorFlow and scikit-learn. And much more.
Finally, Stata’s Do-file Editor now includes syntax highlighting for the Python language.
While advanced users and programmers might be most likely to take advantage of Python integration, the availability of Python within Stata will excite many more users in all disciplines.

summarize displays the mean and standard deviation of a variable across observations; program
writers can access the mean in r(mean) and the standard deviation in r(sd) (see [R] summarize).
egen’s rowmean() function creates the means of observations across variables. rowmedian() creates
the medians of observations across variables. rowpctile() returns the #th percentile of the variables
specified in varlist. rowsd() creates the standard deviations of observations across variables.
rownonmiss() creates a count of the number of nonmissing observations, the denominator of the
rowmean() calculation

New reporting features in Stata 16:
• The dyndoc and markdown commands now create Word documents in addition to the HTML documents they previously created. Now, you can easily incorporate full Stata output and graphs with Markdown-formatted text to create customized Word documents.
• The Do-file Editor now provides syntax highlighting for Markdown language elements.
• The putdocx command now lets you include headers, footers, and page numbers. It also makes it easier to write large blocks of text.
• The html2docx command converts HTML documents, including CSS, to Word documents.
• The docx2pdf command converts Word documents to PDFs.

We used a beta prior distribution in this example, but we could have chosen another prior distribution
that supports our prior knowledge. For the final analysis, it is important to consider a range of different
prior distributions and investigate the sensitivity of the results to the chosen priors.
For more details about this example, see Hoff (2009). Also see Beta-binomial model in
[BAYES] bayesmh for how to fit this model using bayesmh.
Bayesian versus frequentist analysis, or why Bayesian analysis?
Why use Bayesian analysis? Perhaps a better question is when to use Bayesian analysis and when
to use frequentist analysis. The answer to this question mainly lies in your research problem. You
should choose an analysis that answers your specific research questions. For example, if you are
interested in estimating the probability that the parameter of interest belongs to some prespecified
interval, you will need the Bayesian framework, because this probability cannot be estimated within
the frequentist framework. If you are interested in a repeated-sampling inference about your parameter,
the frequentist framework provides that.