The "Edit/Drag atoms" menu item or button allows the atoms in the molecule's image to be moved using the mouse. When dragging an atom one can move it in the Z direction (in parallel with the view) using the keys Num2/Num8 (while the left mouse button is pressed). The buttons , , switch between "drag atoms", "drag fragments" and "drag molecules" modes, the latter two modes allow one to drag and rotate groups of several atoms (for details, see Constructing molecules). When a group of atoms is dragged, the buttons Num1-Num9 rotate it or move it in the Z direction.
Chemcraft **化学计算的图形软件
Chemcraft for ADF users
Chemcraft reads ADF output files, ASCII TAPE21 files and ASCII TAPE41 files. At the moment the visualization of ADF output files is not as comprehensive as the visualization of GAMESS or Gaussian files: extraction of energies, visualization of dipole moment and some atomic properties is provided, but no molecular orbitals visualization, etc.
The program combines advanced graphical user interface and wholesome features designed for practical use. Chemcraft provides very detailed structured visualization of output files, based on dividing a file into separate elements and presenting them in an hierarchical multi-level list; this feature allows one to easily analyze complicated files, such as scan jobs, IRC jobs, or multi-job calculations. The graphical engine of Chemcraft does not require any hardware acceleration.
我们建议在Gaussian输入文件中输入#P GFINPUT POP(FULL, NBO),以通过Chemcraft实现Gaussian输入文件的可视化。#P选项支持扩展打印输出;GFINPUT选项允许打印基组信息(基组中的基元的描述),而POP(FULL)可打印所有分子轨道系数(POP(REGULAR)也可以使用)。后两个关键词允许Chemcraft可视化分子轨道。POP(NBO)实现了自然键轨道分析的打印输出,其中计算了分子中的键。所有这些关键词都是可取的,但不是必需的。至于GAMES文件,可以从文件中看到不同的数据:原子核上的能量(能量梯度)、原子电荷、自旋密度和其他原子属性、NBO键属性(使用量、能量)、正常模式、分子轨道(Cartesian(6d等)或internal(5d)函数都可以被可视化),MO能量。从文件中读取标准或输入/ Z矩阵方向上的坐标并显示在图像上(这是为了正确地可视原子核上的能量所必需的,因为它们通常以不同于其他属性的排列方向打印)。对于能量表面扫描和IRC作业,所有几何形状按扫描步骤分组。对于每一个几何或振动模式,基本的数据概述并以“摘要”的形式显示(SCF能量,收敛标准等)。Chemcraft读取多步骤Gaussian作业,然后呈现为几个扩展节点的列表,每个节点表示文件中的单个作业。除了Gaussian输出文件外,Chemcraft还可以读取Formatted Checkpoint文件(.fch), 从文件中提取分子结构和轨道。对于分子轨道和其他性质的可视化,Gaussian立方体文件也可以读取。
1.Interface of Chemcraft.
Chemcraft for Gamess users
Chemcraft provides very detailed visualization of Gamess-US output files. The following data from the files can be presented graphically:
- Atomic coordinates (corresponding to either all or symmetry unique atoms, if corresponding tables are presented in the file);
- If bond order analysis is presented in the file, bonds from the file are shown on the image (otherwise, bonds are calculated by distance algorithm);
- Energy gradient can be shown in the form of pointers (fig. 2);
- Different atomic properties can be shown as labels on atoms: Mulliken populations and charges, spin densities, valences;