Specify the start-up time for a well on deliverability. This avoids the need for multiple restarts when modeling a number of make-up wells in field-scale geothermal production forecast.
Specify the productivity index (PI) and flowing pressures for each layer of a well on deliverability.
IAPWS-IF97 correlations for pure water added to the standard TOUGH2 EOSs. These extend the use of TOUGH2 to near-critical conditions (T>350°C) and to geothermal geopressured conditions (P>1000 bara).
IAPWS 2008 viscosity formulation for pure water and steam added to the standard TOUGH2 EOSs.

TOUGHREACT v1.2 is an extension of TOUGH2 that couples chemical reactions to fluid flow. Coupled modeling of subsurface multiphase fluid and heat flow, solute transport, and chemical reactions can be used for assessment of waste disposal sites, acid mine drainage remediation, contaminant transport, groundwater quality, CO2 sequestration, and mineral alteration in geothermal systems. TOUGHREACT can be applied to porous and fractured media with physical and chemical heterogeneity. The model can accommodate any number of chemical species present in liquid, gas, and solid phases. A variety of equilibrium chemical reactions are considered, such as aqueous complexation, gas dissolution/exsolution, and cation exchnage. Mineral dissolution/precipitation can proceed either, subject to local equilibrium or kinetic conditions. Changes in porosity and permeability due to mineral dissolution and precipitation can be considered. PetraSim now includes limited support for TOUGHREACT v3.3, which can be purchased through LBNL. PetraSim currently creates TOUGHREACT v3.3 input files and simulations can be run through the PetraSim interface. To display results, TOUGHREACT output can be converted to PetraSim-compatible CSV files using this Online Conversion Tool.

PetraSim includes tools to represent geological formations and faults in a conceptual model independent of the model mesh. The conceptual model can be created based on xyz surfaces exported from other modeling programs such as RockWorks or Surfer, or based on a GRDECL file exported from Petrel or other modeling packages.

Once a natural state model is produced, create historical and predictive models by incorporating deviated production and injection wells that can be easily enabled and disabled.