The local executable version of ClustalW is available from a large number of sources on the web, but this is one of the official sites:

The following description is based on Microsoft Internet Explorer, most most other browsers work similarly.
Point your browser to the location above (double click on the link) and a list of files on the FTP server is displayed. Right-click on the file named clustalw1.83.DOS.zip and select ‘Copy to folder...’ from the menu. Select an appropriate directory, copy and decompress the file.

f part of the sequence is highlighted, the left panel shows the mass of the selected peptide and the right panel shows the first and last residues of the selection (see next section).
Note that the mass value displayed is M, not M+H.

The program runs on all 32-bit versions of Windows since Windows 2000 (i.e. 2000, XP, Vista, Win7). It will also run on current 64-bit versions, but has not been thoroughly tested on this platforms. It can also run on Mac systems with a Windows emulator, but full compatibility is not guaranteed.
Except for the ms/ms search, the program does not need a strong processor or fast hard disk but can run on any system. Running the ms/ms search you need a screen with SVGA+ resolution, otherwise, you can even run it on a netbook.