质量分析:蛋白质可以通过自动方法(如定义酶作用的灵活命名法)或手动方法进行裂解。多肽显示与许多参数(各种质量值- mono, ave,电荷- Bull&Breese指数,HPLC指数,pI,电荷),并可以进一步工作(如交联,新的分裂)。
The GPMAW program is primarily intended as a tool for mass spectrometric analysis of proteins and peptides. However, a number of other bioinformatics tools have been included, so the use of the program extends far beyond simple mass analysis.
If you are working with Windows XP you will need to download the file clustalw1.83.XP.zip and decompress this as well. This file expands to a single file called clustalw.exe. Copy this file into the \gpmaw\bin\clustalw\ directory, replacing the file of the same name.
The coloring of residues is done through a simple edit box (right). Three colors are available (presented in the left-hand column) Setup, and for each color you can have four different entries (max. 10 residues in each entry). Notice that the question mark can substitute for ‘any residue’ (do not use ‘X’ as this is recognized as a specific residue – unknown). If the ‘Highlight global’ check-box is checked, all currently open sequence windows will be colored. If the ‘Keep highlight’ is not checked, the entries will be cleared whenever the ‘Highlight residues’ dialog is accessed.
A useful feature is to determine the mass of a peptide that are part of the displayed protein. This is easily carried out in GPMAW by pointing the mouse at the first or last residue in the peptide, press the left mouse button and drag the mouse cursor across the sequence.