Blocked Indicator Species Analysis
Dufrêne and Legendre’s (1997) method for Indicator Species Analysis can be adapted to a randomized block experiment or a paired-sample design. The data are pre-relativized by species within blocks (or pairs), such that the sum across groups equals one for each block. If a species is absent from a block, the abundances are maintained at zero. The relativization alters the relative abundance portion of the Indicator Value (IV) index to focus on within block differences. Then the ISA is run as usual. The randomization test differs from regular ISA in that instead of an unconstrained permutation of group identifiers, groups are randomly permuted within blocks.
Mantel Test
The Mantel test evaluates the null hypothesis of no relationship between two dissimilarity (distance) or similarity matrices. The Mantel test is an alternative to regressing distance matrices that circumvents the problem of partial dependence in these matrices. Example applications are: evaluating the correspondence between two groups of organisms from the same set of sample units or comparing community structure before and after a disturbance. Two methods are available in PC-ORD: Mantel’s asymptotic approximation and a randomization (Monte Carlo) method.
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